A Few Words From CEO Jeffrey Reeves
I hope you are finding ways to keep your minds and bodies healthy through this unique time in our collective history. We can’t wait to be at the Arts Center again to bring our programs and performances back to the community.
We wanted to reach out and let you know a few of the things we have going on at the Arts Center. Though our offices have been closed to public access since March 18, the behind-the-scenes action has continued and we’d like to share a bit with you through this correspondence.
In our effort to flatten the curve, the Arts Center has postponed Kinky Boots (previously scheduled for April 29 – May 24). However, the exciting news is that we will open with this Tony Award-winning musical in the fall, kicking off our 25th Season here at the Arts Center! What better way to launch our Silver Anniversary year than with this joyful, powerhouse show!!
Though our staff is working from home, our facility manager has continued to regularly clean every area of the building in compliance with the CDC sanitization guidelines. We want you to know, when the time comes, the facility will be ready for your safe return.
Despite the postponement of some performances, so far we’ve been able to stay the course at the Arts Center and keep moving forward. The team is working remotely (and tirelessly) trying to maximize financial resources and mitigate expenses. However, your financial support is even more critical now to help us bridge this gap.
Remotely, we are putting the finishing touches on our summer offerings, planning our new 2020/2021 Season, and providing free digital resources for you and your families to access now.
Please stay safe, stay home, and stay healthy, and feel free to keep us posted by email or social media to let us know how you’re doing!
Mask Crusaders
Like many costume designers around the country, the Arts Center’s Costume Shop is donating their time and talents to making masks at home for medical professionals in our community due to the current supply shortage. Costume Shop Manager Melanie Green, Production Coordinator/Deck Chief Julia Hughes, Cutter/Draper Anna Sanford-Blackwell, and Wardrobe Supervisor David Louder worked on masks made from Arts Center fabric remnants. The finished products are turning out great and will be so helpful to our greater community! Thanks so much, team!

Chalk the Walk
On April 3, Jenn McEwen, Director of the Town of Hilton Head Cultural Affairs, led the community in a unifying, feel-good project of “staying social while keeping distant!” The Arts Center participated with a chalked love note of thanks to medical professionals, first responders, and our entire community! To see more of the community’s messages, click here.

Family Art Challenge
Have some creative fun at home with our Family Art Copycat Challenge! Recreate famous art with your family and show us your stellar copycats! You’re welcome to submit more than one. Here are a few examples to get your creative juices flowing. The only limitation is your imagination! To showcase your work, email both the photo of your copycat creation and the original artwork you recreated to aadams@artshhi.com. Deadline to submit is Friday, April 24. We’ll post a link to view the entire Arts Center gallery soon!

Cyber School of Art
The Arts Center of Coastal Carolina is pleased to announce our Cyber School of Art, which is now offering free arts learning experiences for teachers and students to enjoy online, led by Sr. Director of Education Alana Adams (with her adorable student/son Jasper Adams). Each lesson includes a PDF that you can share or print, along with an accompanying video tutorial.
Subscribe to the Arts Center’s YouTube channel to stay current with all of our videos!
It’s evident the arts are vital to our lives — especially now — as a way to broaden our experiences, enrich our lives, and remain connected. Please stay tuned as we continue to expand our virtual arts community until we’re together again.
Donate Now
Your support has always been important, and even more so now. We can move through this unprecedented time together! A heartfelt “thank you” for all you do for the Arts Center of Coastal Carolina!
To donate, go online email Senior Director of Development Linda Bloom at lbloom@artshhi.com.